
Selecting populations & measures

Using the DINED web application starts by selecting relevant populations and measures.

Select populations

  1. Click any of the population groups from the left column.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Select populations by enabling the checkboxes for any female, male and/or mixed (m+f) sets you would like to indclude. Note: If no checkbox is available for the mixed (m+f) set for the population you can create a quickly create a combined population.
    • Select all female, male or mixed sets by clicking the respective button at the top of the population selection tab.

Select measures

  1. Click any of the measure groups from the right column.
  2. Select the measures you would like to include by enabling their checkbox.
  • Alternatively, you can toggle between the graphic view and a table view of the available measures by using the button at the top.

Determine which measures are available for a population.

  1. Click any of the population groups from the left column.
  2. Hover over or click any population name. Note: Clicking the population name will keep that population selected even when not hovering. Click again or click another population to unselect the previous population.
  3. All visible measures that are unavailable for this population and all measure groups that contain no measures available for this population will appear greyed out.

Determine which populations contain data for a measure.

  1. Click any of the measure groups from the right column.
  2. Hover over or click any measure name. Note: Clicking the measure name will keep that measure selected even when not hovering. Click again or click another measure to unselect the previous measure.
  3. All visible populations that do not contain data for this measure and all population groups that contain no populations containing data for this measure will appear greyed out.

Look up background information on populations

  1. Click any of the population groups from the left column.
  2. Click the more button in the population selection tab.
  • Clicking any of the populations under "Select population and available measures" will select all gender sets and all measures available for that population. Note: Automated selection is limited to 1000 combinations of populations and measures (i.e. 1 population and 1000 measures or 20 populations and 50 measures).

Look up background information on measures

  1. Click any of the measure groups from the right column.
  2. Do any of the following
    • If in graphic view: Hover over any of the measure markers and click the name that appears.
    • If in table view: Click any measure identifier in the left column.